Wednesday, 19 February 2014

ANM News Flash - ATOS Demo, Swansea

Citizens met outside Atos Offices in Grove Place in Swansea on Wednesday, as they did in cities and towns all over the UK to protest at the manner in which Atos, a French multinational contracted by the Coalition Government to oversea disability assessments and cuts has conducted itself.

MacWorld Article: iMovie Tutorial: How to use the Precision Editor in iMovie for the iPad

Despite the fact that iMovie for iOS is a single program, capable of running on any compatible device, be it an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, some features can only be accessed on the latter. One of these is known as the Precision Editor. We've looked before at how it works on a Mac, so let's see what you can do with it on an iPad. [Read the read at MacWorld UK]

Monday, 17 February 2014

MacWorld Article: Nine of the best science-based education apps for the iPad/iPhone

The iPad is ushering a revolution in the world of education. Now, not only can you read about information, you can interact with it as well, even if you’re nowhere near lab or can’t perform hands-on experiments. It also allows you to gain access to a museum’s exhibits without ever having to leave your desk (or bed, or bench, but possibly not your bath).
We’ve collected nine of the best science-based education apps out there, from old classics to brand new additions. Together, they will show you what you can achieve with today’s technology and perhaps open your mind to what will be possible in the future. [Read the rest at MacWorld UK]

Friday, 14 February 2014

MacWorld Article: How to create titles in iMovie for Mac

Titles are an essential part of your home movies. Obviously, any movie needs a title, but you can also use them to introduce a new person, as we often see in documentaries or news reports, or new locations, for instance. iMovie 10’s title options are a bit of a mixed bag: you have at your disposal 48 different ones to choose from, but although most contain dynamic and animated effects, too many can’t be edited - you can’t even change the letters’ colour in some of them. Veteran iMovie users will be disappointed by this, and it’s possible that this may be a bug in the software. But as we wait for Apple to fix this, let’s have a look at how titles work in iMovie 10. [Read the rest at MacWorld UK]